Next Saturday, May 9 at 7pm, students from my
Intermediate Video: Style and Practice class at Massachusetts College of Art and Design will be showing their films. Despite having full-time jobs, families, or other commitments, these Continuing Ed students have taken on ambitious projects - so ambitious, actually, that most of them exceed what can be done in one semester's work. So we decided to invite a few friends and hold it as a work-in-progress screening. (The public is welcome if you don't mind films that are still in formation!)
There are intriguing intersections in my students' lives and the themes of their non-fiction films, namely: life-threatening accidents that cause major changes, and women in the second half of life finding new direction. Plus one piece that defies these two categories: a revelatory "exit interview" of a young white woman finishing a year as a VISTA volunteer in a Chinatown cultural group.